Webinar – Soldamatic

Soldamatic – Get to know our complete solution around the topic “digital welder qualification” in theory and practice! Finding qualified junior staff in the skilled trades is one of our major challenges. Especially in the field of metal trades, a huge demand for well-trained skilled workers stands in contrast to the lack of young talents.…

SCHWEISSAUFSICHT AKTUELL reports on positive impulses from Soldamatic in the qualification of skilled workers

Dear readers, the current issue of SCHWEISSAUFSICHT AKTUELL 02/2021 once again highlights as many aspects as possible that are relevant to your professional activities as a welding coordinator. Furthermore, articles on the importance of visual inspection, SCC training, as well as the positive impulses of virtual welding trainer systems are included. For more information, visit…

Looking back: Conference HAndVeRK 2019

On 04 July 2019 the HAndVeRk conference took place at the University of Potsdam under the motto “Applying, Painting, Welding, in Augmented/Virtual Reality”. Initiated as part of the HandLeVR research project, the subject of training and further education, especially in the craft trades, was intensively discussed with the experts using Augmented/Virtual Reality. Participants of the conference…

Special programme for inter-company training centres and competence centres Digitisation of inter-company vocational training ce

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is continuing the special programme ÜBS Digitisation in a second funding phase for a further four years. With three different funding lines, offers are created from which the inter-company vocational training centres can benefit depending on their innovative strength. The new call for proposals, all necessary information…